Discover: Helpful Resources

Five Questions on Finding Work in Canada
International Career Consultant Jessie Eulenberg has the answers to help you.
How to Find Your First Job
Consider your goals, do your research, and get hired!
What is an Associate Degree?
Learn all about two-year associate degrees, and how they can help you achieve your education dreams.
Unsure where to start? Here are some things to keep in mind when looking into housing!
So, You’ve Applied! Now What?
The journey doesn't end with your application — it's just the beginning of an exciting chapter in your life!
How an MBA Can Help You Get a Management Role
Discover the skills you'll gain with an MBA from the University of Fredericton.
My Favourite Study Hacks
A 4th-year Western University student shares their top tips on how to study for finals.
Exploring Student Success at University
Graduation is the goal, but success happens in so many other ways, too.
Applications for OCAD U
Apply before April 26, 2024 to come to Canada this summer to develop your art skills just in time to apply to university.
Should I Take Summer Courses? The Pros and Cons of Studying During the Summer
Choosing the right path will depend on your program, your grades, and your goals.
Finding a Community at University
Starting university in a new country? Wondering how you’ll make friends? Success comes easier when you have a supportive community around you.
5 Ways to Self-Motivate When You
Reframe, reassess, and be ready to try again. You got this!
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