4 Different Costs and Expenses in Canada You May Not Have Thought of

Modified on January 07, 2015
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A look at some Canadian expenses


There may be some expenses you never thought about when coming to Canada. Well here are five different costs and expenses you should keep in mind when you come to Canada:

1. Winter clothes. Canada has quite the cold winters. Depending on where you are in Canada climates can differ from lows of 0 degrees Celsius all the way down to -30 in some cases. Make sure you take into consideration all the different things you may want to pick up to stay warm. Sweaters, jackets, gloves and long-johns! All valid accessories you may want to into before coming to Canada.

2. Snow gear. Snow may be something you are not accustomed to. Canadian snow storms can average between 10 to even 20 so a pair a boots and snow pants may be something you want to invest in. Other than that snow sports and activities is definitely something you may want to get involved with. Skating, snowboarding, skiing these are all common activities you may want to invest in!

3. Taxes. In Canada, we have a number of taxes you may want to take into consideration when coming here. Sales tax is often something people outside of Canada may not know of. When purchasing a product or good there is a sales tax that is often not shown on the prices of goods. Keep in mind when you are looking at a price tag you need to add a number of sales taxes. Depending on where you are in Canada taxes do differ.

4. Long Distance Communications. Being away from home can be hard. With cultural, social and educational transitioning you may become home-sick. Make sure to save some money to keep in contact with family and friend back home.

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