UPDATED: Campus Tours and Open Houses in the Age of COVID-19

By Logan Bright Modified on March 13, 2020
Tags : Health and Wellness

The latest on cancellations and postponements of campus events.

A prospective student tours campus despite the frenetic headlines about COVID-19.

Update: March 13, 2020

You've probably seen a wave of headlines about class cancellations and disruptions to the semester. Quebec and Ontario are closing public schools, and some universities, including Western and York, are moving to online-only courses for a few weeks.

More closures, cancellations, and postponements are sure to come. This includes events like campus tours and open houses. We're working hard to bring our Events section up to date. Still, if you're interested in an event, you should contact the administrator directly to find out if the tour, info session, or open house will occur. You can find the contact info on the event listing, or the school profile itself.

We expect to see new, online-only events pop up soon, including virtual tours and open houses. You'll find the latest on the StudyinCanada Events page.

In the meantime, stay safe!


March Break is coming up, and that means it's time to visit campuses and take tours to find the right university or college for you. Campus visits are an important part of the school selection process: there's no better way to get the vibe of a place than by experiencing it directly.

Why visit campuses?

Here are just a few of the most common reasons:

  • Take a tour to see the amenities, like dorms, meal halls, and libraries
  • Sit in on a class or two
  • Meet professors alongside current and future students
  • Get answers to your burning questions


Of course, there are some fears around COVID-19, the novel coronavirus that has dominated headlines since the start of the year. With some governments warning against non-essential travel, is it wise to leave the sanctity of your room to visit a campus in British Columbia, Manitoba, or New Brunswick?

Well, in a word, yes!

Remember, Canada has a robust public health system that is well equipped to contain cases of COVID-19 that filter in from overseas. Travelling around the country to visit college and university campuses is decidedly low-risk if you're prepared. (Of course, some schools offer virtual tours, like this one at Western University. You can find more 3D campus tours through StudyinCanada.com. Still, there's no substitute for the real thing!)

Precautions to take around COVID-19

Stay home if you're sick

This is standard advice for any cold and flu season, and goes doubly so during this outbreak. You have a civic responsibility not to infect others, so if you're feeling under the weather, stay home and rest up.

Minimize direct contact with others

Respiratory viruses are spread through touch with others, so forego the hugs and handshakes for now. Consider instead a jaunty wave or even an elbow bump, both of which are much less likely to transmit pathogens.

Wash your hands well and often

More good practice year-round, this is especially important right now. Be sure you're soaping up a few times a day, and really scrub your hands, palms, and under your fingernails. Bonus points for sanitizing frequently used objects, like doorknobs, keyboards, even your phone. (Just be careful not to get it wet!)

Don't touch your face

The less you can introduce the germs on your hands to your eyes, mouth, and nose, the better!

If you're taking precautions like the above, you've already got best practices down for any respiratory virus, including that which causes COVID-19.

Travel advisories

If you're considering travelling overseas, you should follow the recommended precautions above, and also check out the Government of Canada's travel advisories for the following seven countries. Consider whether your visit is essential!

All the talk of COVID-19 has people on edge, but there's no reason to totally disrupt your life during the outbreak. Visiting campuses and taking tours with other prospective students is perfectly safe. Follow the simple advice above, like washing your hands often and holding back on hugs, and chances are the only things you'll pick up on your campus tour are knowledge, memories, and maybe some new friends.

Check out the StudyinCanada Events section to find all sorts of campus tours, open houses, and info sessions across Canada. Remember to visit the Public Health Agency of Canada site for the latest on the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Enjoy your campus visits!

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