Why a 3-Year Degree Option May be Right for You
Find out if a 3-year Bachelor's degree or a 4-year Honour's Bachelor's degree is right for you.
Considering where, when, and whether to study at an international university is an important decision. You may be weighing the time commitment away from family or calculating your financial investment.
Did you know that you can choose to graduate from many of York University’s degree programs in just three years with a Bachelor’s degree?
Browse 3-Year Degree Options
3-Year versus 4-year degree programs
A Bachelor's degree normally takes three years of full-time study to complete, while an Honours Bachelor's degree normally takes four years of full-time study to complete.
A three-year Bachelor’s program allows you to streamline the completion of your degree to align with your post-graduation goals, while still benefitting from a strong foundational curriculum. If you are looking to enter the job market quickly, this may be a good choice for you.
An Honours degree is typically required for admission to a graduate (Master's) program and may be required for the career path you wish to enter. If you are interested in graduate studies, a four-year Honours degree may be a good choice for you.
Explore and launch your career sooner
York University offers over 50 three-year undergraduate Bachelor’s degree programs across a variety of relevant areas, including business, economics, science, humanities, and more.
Three-year programs typically still allow you time and space for elective course options, part-time work, and hands-on learning opportunities, such as capstone projects and field courses. You can maximize your learning on an efficient timeline that matches your goals.
Flexible and efficient
If you are interested in earning a Bachelor’s degree rather than an Honours, the application process is no different for you! Follow these simple steps to apply to your program of interest. When you are admitted to the program, you may choose to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree after three years. Your academic advising team will be able to support you in planning your enrolment.
Bonus: if you change your mind during your studies, you can switch to an Honours Bachelor’s degree and graduate within four years instead. You also have the opportunity to return and complete the four-year Honours degree, if you decide to in future.
Begin your application research now, to determine which degree type is best for you!
Browse 3-Year Degree Options