Instrumentation Engineering Technology InfoSession - Home

About This Event

Instrumentation Engineering technology is a crucial field that has played a significant role in the automation of industries and businesses around the world. Instrumentation engineering technologists are helping to develop new systems and technologies that enable businesses to improve productivity and safety, conserve energy and reduce pollution.

A career in instrumentation engineering technology offers many career opportunities ranging from industrial automation and advanced manufacturing to natural resources extraction and environmental monitoring. As industries continue to invest in automation, the demand for skilled professionals is only going to grow.

Register early to reserve your spot!

Who Should Attend?

Anyone interested in Instrumentation Engineering Technology, engineering or any other program under the School of Applied Sciences and Technology. Join us virtually as we provide details on why this program might be the right fit for you.

More Info

If you are a domestic student, please see other NAIT events at

May 7, 2024,  7:00-8:00 PM Mountain Time


This event is complete and is no longer accepting registrations.

Please contact the event organizer if you need any additional information.

Event Organizer

Elizabeth Linville
Domestic Recruitment Specialist
NAIT Domestic Recruitment