students in classroom learning mathematics


Dive into the science that touches all of life and opens doors to the future.

If you love numbers and want to deepen your understanding of God’s creation through the beauty of numbers, then our mathematics department is the place for you.

Mathematics is the language and enabler of science and technology, providing us with the necessary tools for analyzing economic trends, forecasting weather, doing research in the social sciences and other disciplines, and making informed business decisions. As a student of mathematics, you will explore the many disciplines of pure and applied mathematics—logic, number theory, calculus, algebra, topology, analysis, modelling, and numeric methods. A degree in mathematics can lead you to many different careers options, including elementary teacher, scientific researcher, civil engineer, statistician, software developer, and economist. With senior faculty teaching at all level and small class sizes, we ensure that our students have access to the best education offered by the top teachers and researchers. Throughout the program, our students have opportunities to work on research with their professors. Our Liberal Arts and Sciences core offers an unsurpassed breadth of education to equip graduates to be leaders in their chosen professions or to continue their education in graduate school.

We also have a Data Science stream as a valuable option in the major, which identifies a group of courses intended to provide excellent access to graduate programs and employment opportunities.


Bachelor of Science (BSc), Minor, Concentration

Program Info

Alumni Perspective

“My research involves developing methods for computing solutions to equations that arise in areas such as medical imaging, economics, and meteorology. Because of Trinity Western’s small class sizes, and professors who went out of their way to train and challenge me, I developed a solid mathematical base and strong problem-solving skills that have been a huge asset in my research.”

- Britanny Froese ('07)

Meet the Faculty

Meet some of our world class faculty and staff inspiring great minds and changing the world.

Careers in Mathematics

Graduates in mathematics have rewarding careers in teaching, industry, business, research and actual science. Some relevant careers for mathematics graduates from TWU include:

  • Academics
  • Math teachers
  • Researchers
  • Computer scientists
  • Engineers
  • Statisticians
  • Economists
  • Financial analysts

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