Study a Bachelor of Arts in History at King's

Inside this program

Research Profiles

Sandle, Mark, and William Van Arragon. "Re-forming History." Cascade Books, 2019.

Does the discipline of history need a reformation? How should Christian faith shape the ways historians do their work? This book, written for students, considers the “how” of doing history.

Sandle, Mark. "Communism." 1st ed., Routledge, 2006.

Why did communism grow so quickly? Why did it spread to turn almost half of the world red by the mid-1970s? What impact did it have upon capitalism and capitalist society?

Sandle, Mark. "Gorbachev: Man of the Twentieth Century?" Bloomsbury Academic, 2008.

This new study draws upon a wide variety of sources East and West, textual and visual, newspaper and memoir, academic and popular to try and understand the reasons why Gorbachev remains such an enigmatic figure.

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