| Social Justice and Peace Studies | | |
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School | King's University College | | |
Location | London, ON, Canada | | |
School Type | University | | |
School Size | Full-time Undergraduate: 3,100 Full-time Graduate: 63 | | |
Degree | Bachelor | | |
Honours | | | |
Co-op | | | |
Length | 4 Year(s) | | |
Entry Grade (%)* | 80% | | |
Prerequisites | | | |
Prerequisites Notes | King’s projects a minimum 80% final entrance average for Ontario high schools students. Averages are calculated on the top six 4U or 4M credits including English 4U.
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Cost | This cost estimate is for Year 1 of the program. See: https://www.kings.uwo.ca/current-students/money-matters/fees-and-responsibilities/schedules/ | | |
Scholarships | | | |
Description | Social Justice and Peace Studies (SJPS) is an interdisciplinary academic program committed to experiential education and inspired by the Catholic Social Teaching tradition. It encourages critical reflection on oppression and injustice, locally and globally, and it examines theoretical and practical approaches to justice and peace. It calls students to social action that transforms the world in the interests of human dignity, equality, sustainability, and peace.
The SJPS program is one of the only programs in Canada that combines the study and work of both justice and peace. This program critically examines the root causes of social injustice and violence in society, in our community and in the world. And it innovatively explores alternatives to injustice and violence by focusing on how to build peace and justice. It does this through rigorous academic training, combined with community based learning and numerous optional experiential learning opportunities in the global community. SJPS is the hub at King’s University for engaged, social innovation and active learning in the creation of a more just and peaceful community and world. | | |
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