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SchoolKing's University College
LocationLondon, ON, Canada
School TypeUniversity
School SizeFull-time Undergraduate: 3,100
Full-time Graduate: 63
Length3 Year(s)
Entry Grade (%)*80%
  •  Grade12 English 
Prerequisites NotesKing’s projects a minimum 80% final entrance average for Ontario high schools students. Averages are calculated on the top six 4U or 4M credits including English 4U.
International: $47,670

This cost estimate is for Year 1 of the program.
DescriptionWe offer a wide range of stimulating and challenging courses at various levels. Our classes are small, which means that motivated students will find the kind of individual attention they’re looking for. Our Award-winning faculty are committed to helping acquaint students not only with knowledge of past, but also to helping them cultivate fundamental skills which are essential to success in any field: historical thinking, critical analysis, research methods, as well as effective verbal and written communications skills.

Essential topics for today’s world:
• 20th Century Totalitarianism
• Canadian, American, and European History
• Religion in Modern History
• History of Science and Medicine
• Popular Culture
• Military History
• Terrorism and Extremism
• Conspiracy Theories
• War and Society
• Slavery
• Philosophy of History and Historical Methodology
• History Field Placements and Internships
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*We make every attempt to provide accurate information on prerequisites, programs, and tuition. However, this information is subject to change without notice and we highly recommend that you contact the school to confirm important information before applying.