| Politics and International Relations | | |
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School | King's University College | | |
Location | London, ON, Canada | | |
School Type | University | | |
School Size | Full-time Undergraduate: 3,100 Full-time Graduate: 63 | | |
Degree | Bachelor | | |
Honours | | | |
Co-op | | | |
Length | 4 Year(s) | | |
Entry Grade (%)* | 80% | | |
Prerequisites | | | |
Prerequisites Notes | For admission to this program, applicants are required to have completed first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, including Political Science 1020E plus 2.0 additional courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%.
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Cost | See: https://www.kings.uwo.ca/current-students/money-matters/fees-and-responsibilities/schedules/ | | |
Scholarships | | | |
Description | Right now our world is being reshaped in fascinating and critical ways. Security considerations, geo-politics, divisions born of wealth and poverty, and global development challenges have all become unavoidable realities. Our award-winning faculty offer courses that ask big questions so that students can investigate the issues of power and authority that go to the heart of how people are governed.
Every political science student at King’s has the opportunity to craft an education that is right for them in and out of the classroom. Our department provides a strong core education across each of the major sub-fields in political science, including Canadian politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, public policy and administration. Students then get to choose specialized third and fourth-year courses where they can explore and refine their interests. Small class sizes allow students to establish unmatched intellectual relationships with their peers and professors. Our commitment to real student engagement and experiential learning means that every year our students and faculty travel together to visit sites of real political action – in Canada, the United States and internationally.
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