McGill University



McGill University is an English language university located in the centre of one the largest French speaking cities in the world. A vibrant metropolis of 3.5 million inhabitants, Montreal is a modern city with a distinctly European flair. Founded in 1821, McGill owes its existence to James McGill, a Montreal fur trader, merchant, and civic leader, who died in 1813, leaving an endowment for the founding of McGill College. McGill's modern facilities and innovative ideas attract internationally respected teachers and researchers, as well as first class students.

McGill is one of Canada's largest universities with almost 30,000 students, over 2,000 teaching staff, and 73 affiliated research institutes. One of North American's leading research institutions, McGill has 11 faculties and ten professional schools offering undergraduate and graduate programs in some 300 disciplines. McGill's Centre for Continuing Education offers courses and/or certificate and diploma programs in a wide range of fields. In addition to an emphasis on research, the University values effective teaching. McGill's Centre for Teaching and Learning provides formal training and development for all university teaching staff, highlights new teaching methods and technologies, and researches how university professors develop their teaching skills.

McGill graduates find their degrees highly portable and the university's reputation highly respected by both employers and graduate schools. McGill boasts an alumni network 120,000 strong. Graduates extend throughout the world and provide ready made contacts and opportunities.

Areas of Expertise

McGill has research strengths across a wide range of disciplines including neurosciences, cancer research, law, climate research, agricultural and environmental sciences, new materials research, genetic research, metals and materials, language research, aerospace medical research, humanities, social sciences, artificial intelligence, indigenous peoples, chemistry and industry, and education research.

On Campus Housing

 # BedsLowestHighest
Co-ed:3,113 bedsLowest: $4,092Highest: $18,527

There are ten downtown and two Macdonald Campus residences. 98% of spaces are single rooms. Solin Hall offers same sex apartments. Residence space is guaranteed to all first year non-Montreal students.

Off Campus Housing

The off-campus housing service provides McGill students with useful information about housing in Montreal, advises students facing difficulties in their housing search, and provides up to date listings of available housing. For more information, please refer to the Web site.

Incoming Students

McGill's First Year Coordinator works to make each student's first year transition a positive one. For more information, contact the First Year Coordinator.

Tel: (514) 398-6913
Web Site:
E-mail: [email protected]

Career Planning

The McGill Career and Placement Service (CAPS) provides career planning, arranges campus recruitment fairs, has job postings (Web), and provides job search strategy workshops for McGill students.


One of the hallmarks of McGill's tradition is the tremendous ability to balance academic excellence with extracurricular activities. Thousands of McGill students participate in the hundreds of clubs, associations and community groups that enrich Montreal and contribute to a vibrant campus life. McGill Athletics and Recreation is proud to boast 28 different intercollegiate teams, numerous competitive clubs, more than 700 intramural teams plus an extensive Fitness and Recreation program that encompasses over 100 non-credit fitness and recreation courses. Their facilities include a 19,000 seat stadium, a 1,500 seat competition hall, two double gymnasia, eight outdoor tennis courts, a 400 metre outdoor track and banked six lane indoor track, two weight training rooms, two pools, a gymnastics facility, five sports fields, a fitness centre, and a sports medicine centre.


Campus recreation programs serve to enrich student life by offering a broad range of activities designed to meet the varied needs of the entire campus. The programs provide experiences that allow individuals the opportunity to learn and participate in lifetime sports. Moreover, the Students' Society of McGill University (SSMU) organizes events, trips, and parties year round.


The Students’ Society of McGill University offers an abundance of clubs and services to meet a wide variety of needs and interests.

Web Site:

Academic: Aerospace Medicine (ADAM), Second Language Association, Debating Union, and National Society of Black Engineers.

Arts: A-Cappella, Choral Society, Classical Music Club, Contemporary Dance Ensemble, Drawing Society, Folk Music Club, Improv McGill, Jazz Club, Novel Students’ Society, Movie Making Club, New Earth Voices, Photographers Club, Players Theatre, Savoy Society, Théâtre de la Grenouille, Toastmasters Club, and Writers’ Circle.

Business: Association international des étudiantes en sciences économiques et commerciales and Entrepreneurs’ Club.

Campus Publications: Le Délit Français, McGill Daily, McGill Tribune, Old McGill Yearbook, Red Herring, and SSMU Handbook.

Community Outreach/Charity: Best Buddies, Big Buddies Tutoring Club, Engineers without Boarders, Habitat for Humanity, Medicine Sans Frontière, Peace by PEACE, Peer Health Education, Santropol Roulant, and Students Making Young Lives Easier (SMYLE).

Ethnic/Cultural/Religious: African, American, Anti-Racist, Arab, Armenian, Baha’i, Bangladeshi, Caribbean, Chinese, Chinese Christian Fellowship, Christian Fellowship, Conexion française, European Network, Filipino-Asian, Hellenic, Hillel, Hindu, Indo-Pak, Iranian, Ismaili, Italian, Kenyan, Korean Graduate (Montreal), Korean, L’chaim Students Society, Lebanese, Malaysian and Singaporean, Mauritian, Muslim, North American Born Asians, Pakistani, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Sikh, Taiwanese, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Yan Xin Qigong Cultural Club.

Miscellaneous: Alpha Phi Omega, First Aid, Canadian Alliance of SSMU, First Year Committee of Council, Golden Key, Inter-Greek Letter Council, Inter Residence Council Phi Delta Epsilon, Post-Graduate Student Society, Radio McGill, SAVVY, Rotoract Students’ Club, Secret Society Hip-Hop Heads, Sexual Assault Centre, Student Society of McGill, TV McGill, WalkSafe Network and Foot Patrol, and Women’s Union.

Political/Social: Amnesty International, Falun Dafa, Free Burma Coalition, Free the Children, International Development Initiative, International Relations Students’ Association, International Student Socialists, Liberal McGill, Student for a Smoke Free Tomorrow, McGill Students for the Protection of Animals, Palestinian Solidarity Committee, Progressive Conservative McGill, Pugwash, Save the Children, The Project, Quebec Public Interest Research Group, and UNICEF.

Recreation: Athletes in Action, Chessplayers, Dodgeball, Gamers Guild, Hockey Observers (MACHO), Karte Club, Nordic Ski Team, Outdoors Club, Ski Club, Sledding Club, and Snowboarding Club.

Religious: Baha'i Studies, Chinese Christian Fellowship, Christian Fellowship, Coptic Orthodox, Hillel, Newman Society, and Orthodox Christian Fellowship.

Services: Black Student’s Network, DriveSafe, First Aid, International Students’ Network (MISN), Legal Information Clinic, Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and Transgender Students of McGill (LBGTM), Macdonald Campus Student Society (and Clubs and Services), McGill Students for Literacy, Nightline, POST, Queer McGill, Queer Straight Alliance, Sexual Assault Centre of McGill, Students for Literacy, Volunteer Bureau, WalkSafe Network and Foot Patrol, and Women' Union.

University Affairs: Mature and Re-Entry Students' Association, Student Organization for Alumni Relations, and World University Services of Canada.

Information Technology

McGill University provides computing and communications services, and facilities to meet the needs of research, instructional, and administrative areas. Services offered are online course materials and information, consultation, workshops, documentation, software licenses, and computer sales. Over 38 computer labs operate on campus in various departments and faculties. Students can also access numerous workstations located in libraries and buildings throughout McGill.

McGill provides on-campus and dial up access to the Internet, the library's online systems, its campus wide information system, and administrative systems. McGill operates a campus backbone, interconnecting campus local area networks and also operates RISQ, Quebec's regional network. As well, computer access is available from McGill residences (individual rooms and in common areas) via telephone or high speed data connections. Off-campus access is available via dial up modem access or high speed lines. All incoming students are given a McGill e-mail address, dial up access, and IT orientation workshops.


McGill offers a rich cultural experience for students with three museums, two theatres, concert halls, and a full size symphony orchestra. The student body supports a theatre troop, a radio station, four on-campus publications, and a myriad of clubs and cultural groups. Also, being located in the heart of Montreal, McGill students have access to one of the most culturally rich and dynamic cities in the world.

Special Services

The Office for Students with Disabilities at McGill provides support services for students with disabilities including liaison with academic and administrative staff, information on provincial funding for services, assistance with course registration, liaison with library access services, student organizations, parking facilities, adapted van for campus use, information on access to buildings and classrooms, attendant care, reading services, Brailing services, tutoring, equipment loan, computing facilities, computerized classroom information system (C-note), standard note taking, sign language and oral interpreters, exam accommodations, and photocopy service. McGill is 80% accessible for students who use a wheelchair.

Affiliated Institutions

Canadian Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE):
Canadian Bacterial Diseases Network (CBDN)
Canadian Genetic Diseases Network: Innovations for Health Care
Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research (CITR) (Headquartered at McGill)
Centre for Research in Neuroscience
Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (Headquartered at McGill)
Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (Micronet)
Protein Engineering Network of Centres of Excellence (PENCE)
Sustainable Forest Management
Telelearning Network of Centres of Excellence (TL-NCE)

Inter-University Research Centres:
McGill researchers work with Canadian colleagues in more than 26 formalized inter-university research centres.
Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa
Centre interuniversitaire d'analyse du discours et de sociocritique des textes (CIADEST)
Cooperative Centre for Research in Mesometereology
Groupe interuniversitaire de recherches oceanographiques de Quebec
Interuniversity Group on Research in Ethnopsychiatry and Medical Anthropology (GIRAME)
Interuniversity Research Centre for Plasma Technology

Research Centres/Institutes:
Affiliated with McGill are 73 major research centres.
Aerospace Medical Research Unit
Artificial Cell and Organ Research Centre
Avian Science & Conservation Centre
Brace Research Institute
Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa
Centre for Applied Family Studies
Centre for Automation & Robotics in Mining
Centre for Bioprocess Engineering
Centre for Climate and Global Change Research
Centre for Clinical Immunobiology and Transplantation
Centre for Developing Area Studies
Centre for Drainage Studies
Centre for Educational Leadership
Centre for Intelligent Machines
Centre for International Management Studies
Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law
Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine
Centre for Nutrition and Environment of Indigenous Peoples
Centre for Plant Molecular Biology
Centre for Research and Teaching on Women
Centre for Research on Endocrine Mechanisms
Centre for Research on Instruction
Centre for Strategy Studies in Organizations
Centre for the Physics of Materials
Centre for the Study of Host Resistance
Centre for the Study of Regulated Industries
Centre for the Study of Reproduction
Centre for Tropical Diseases
Cognitive Science Centre
Dairy Research Group
Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies
Douglas Hospital Research Centre
Foster Radiation Laboratory
Geotechnical Research Centre
Giftedness Centre
Institute of Air & Space Law
Institute of Comparative Law
Laboratory of Applied Cognitive Science
Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research of the Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital
Limnology Research Centre
Management Sciences Research Centre
McGill AIDS Centre
McGill Centre for Society, Technology and Development
McGill Centre for Studies in Aging
McGill Institute for the Study of Canada
McGill Metals Processing Centre
McGill Polymer
McGill University - Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute
McGill Vision Research Unit
Minimum Cost Housing Group
Montreal Chest Institute Research Centre
Montreal Consortium for Human Rights Advocacy Training
Montreal General Hospital Research Institute
Montreal Neurological Institute
Nutrition and Food Science Centre
Plasma Technology Research Centre
Quebec Research Centre of Private Comparative Law
Research Centre in High-Performance Computer Architecture and VLSI
Royal Victoria Hospital Research Institute
Sheldon Biotechnology Centre
The McGill High Energy Physics Group

Research Stations:
Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados
Gault Estate and Nature Conservation Centre, Mont Ste-Hilaire, QC
McGill Subarctic Research Station, Schefferville, QC
The McGill Axel Heiberg Station, High Arctic

Teaching Hospitals:
Jewish General Hospital
Montreal Children's Hospital
Montreal General Hospital
Montreal Neurological Hospital
Royal Victoria Hospital

International Involvement

International Students: Recognized as one of the most international comprehensive universities in North America, McGill takes great pride in the rich diversity of its student body, its faculty, and its alumni. Almost 15% of our full-time undergraduate students come from outside of Canada. In the case of full-time graduate students, this figure rises to almost 25%. Overall, international students, 12,000 persons from more than 156 countries, represent more than 31% of the total student body.

Student Exchange and Study Abroad: More than 50 top institutions around the world have bilateral student exchange agreements with McGill. In addition, McGill students have access through multilateral agreements to approximately 500 other universities around the world in which to do part of their studies. Students also benefit from McGill's partnership in a student exchange program with nine other major Canadian universities. While participating students pay the regular McGill tuition fees.

International Faculty: McGill's faculty holds degrees from the best universities in the world and their teaching and research reflect their global backgrounds and interests.

International Student Services: International Student Services is responsible for providing programs to promote the growth and development of international students and to facilitate their adaptation to McGill and Montreal. Services include Orientation, health insurance, social and cultural activities including a 'Buddy Program' and 'Principal's Reception' for new international students, counselling and support for cultural adaptation issues, assistance with immigration rules and regulations, letters for transfer of funds, and limited financial aid in times of emergency. As well, the McGill International Students Network has been set up to act as a social and support network for international students.

International Research Networks: McGill investigators are involved in research and other academic collaborations on every continent. At the institutional level, McGill has active General Agreements of Collaboration with more than 60 institutions outside Canada. International development and research are particularly active from 1986-1996 members of 11 McGill faculties undertook more than 100 projects sponsored by CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency), IDRC (International Development Research Centre), the World Bank and other similar agencies in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Campus Tour

McGill's campus tour program is offered by the Welcome Centre. (Bilingual student guides take small groups of people on walking tours of the Montreal campus.) Arrangements should be made at least 48 hours in advance by calling the Welcome Centre at (514) 398-6555.


Offered by Student Services: Athletics Department, Career and Placement Service, Chaplaincy Services, Counselling Service, Student Aid, Health Service, International Student Services, Mature/Re-Entry Student Services, Mental Health Service, Off-campus Housing Service, Office for Students with Disabilities, Orientation Centre, Residences, and Tutorial Service.

Offered by the Students' Society: DriveSafe, Legal Information Clinic, Supplemental Health Plan, McGill Nightline (24 hour crisis hotline), WalkSafe Network and Foot Patrol, Sexual Assault Centre, and Travel Agency.

Offered by the University: Bookstore, Computing Centre, Daycare Centre, Library Instruction Workshops and Tours, Ombudsperson, Reading Efficiency and Study Skills, Security on Campus, and Sexual Harassment Assessors.

Modified on August 18, 2021