5 Steps to Canada

Apply to schools

You’ve figured out what programs interest you the most, so now’s the time to find the right school and apply. Look into the following things at your potential schools to make sure they’re a good fit:

  • Take a campus tour – you will find virtual tours here
  • Student support services
  • Extracurricular opportunities (clubs and sports)
  • Career services
  • Food services Housing / accommodation options

Not sure where to begin? Browse schools on StudyinCanada.com to find the right fit. Or sign up for a free account, and automatically get matched to schools that fit your interests. We strongly suggest you reach out to schools to ask questions and stay informed. You can contact schools through the website or directly to the school.

What you need to apply to schools in Canada

Once you’ve decided which schools you like, it's time to apply. You will find useful information on school profiles on StudyinCanada.com under ‘Admissions’. You may need to provide the following documents when applying, but we strongly suggest you contact schools directly.

  • Personal information (name, citizenship, etc.)
  • Contact information
  • Academic history and transcripts (where you went to school, your classes, and your grades — compare your courses and grades to each program’s prerequisites)
  • English language proficiency — you may need to take an English test

Some schools may request additional information, like portfolios or interviews.

English language test results

If your first language isn’t English, you’ll likely have to complete an English test as described above. Here are some of the most common:

How to apply to schools in Canada

The two most popular ways to apply to a college or university in Canada is either directly to the school or through an application portal. For more information on how to apply to a college or university in Canada, check out these province-specific guides:

For more tips and advice on applying to schools in Canada, check out these articles:

Next Steps

All right, you’ve got your documents in order and you’ve submitted applications to your top universities and colleges. What’s next? Find funding for your education!

 3: Find funding