5 Steps to Canada

Get ready for Canada

It’s time to get ready for your journey to Canada! This can be an intimidating transition, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered on preparing for your big move.

Living on- or off-campus

Students live either in an on-campus residence or in off-campus housing. In school residences, you’ll be surrounded by your peers and close to campus. Off-campus housing allows you to be more independent.

Reach out to your school to see if they have a list of trusted apartment rental companies. Still not sure where you want to live? Check out this article: Should You Live On- or Off-Campus?

What you’ll need for your life in Canada

Some other things you’ll need to sort out are:

  • Your Canadian cell phone plans
  • Opening a Canadian bank account
  • Figuring out what you’ll need to pack

Make sure you reach out to your school’s international student support team as they can provide lots of information on what steps you’ll need to take before coming to Canada.

Review the following articles for more information on how you can prepare for your move to Canada and what you should pack:

That’s it! Your bags are packed, you’ve got your living situation sorted, and you’ve got a plan for when you arrive in Canada! The next thing for you to do is get excited and start your life in Canada! Welcome!

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