Dalhousie Medical School



Dalhousie Medical School is a leader in medical education, research and patient care. Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Dalhousie is the only medical school in Maritime Canada, serving the people of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Founded over 125 years ago, Dalhousie is the fourth oldest of the 16 medical schools in Canada. It is a highly research-intensive institution and boasts some of the country's top investigators and educators. Our faculty members conduct world-class research, passing on this new knowledge to MD students, residents and practising physicians alike.

Areas of Expertise

Our curriculum underwent a major revision in 1992 and now is based on a tutorial system emphasizing group learning, contextual learning, the development of communication skills and the early introduction of clinical interaction with patients. The curriculum is aimed at providing you with an appropriate balance between the biomedical sciences, which are fundamental to modern medicine, and the development of personal skills which are of critical importance to your functioning as a physician. We take pride in being referred to as "the Humane Medical School." We emphasize the importance of instilling in our graduates respect, sympathy and understanding of others, particularly patients but, as well, co-workers.

On Campus Housing

Dalhousie has residence spaces available for students. Students should contact [email protected] for further details.

Off Campus Housing

Dalhousie hosts a database of off-campus housing available for students. It is available on our website.

Modified on October 22, 2016