Located in Toronto, Ontario, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto is an international leader in the research, teaching and study of issues that matter in education. For more than a century, we have participated in the transformation of education in Ontario through the teaching of teachers, research, graduate studies, and through our leadership in educational policy and its impact on practice around the world.
In 2015, OISE will become an all-graduate institute of teaching, learning and research. There is a strong and increasing demand for OISE’s distinct graduate programs in teacher education. Candidates in OISE’s Master of Teaching (MT) and Master of Arts in Child Study and Education (MA-CSE) programs undertake advanced study in the educational sciences and at the same time meet the requirements for licensure to teach in Ontario. Graduates of these programs become advanced practitioners and experts in the education field and many go on to assume leadership positions, not only in education but also in healthcare, government and the private sector.
MASTER OF TEACHING IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION: The Master of Teaching program is one of the premier teacher education programs at OISE. This program combines a Master of Teaching degree with elementary or secondary teacher certification. Our program is suited for those who want to pursue a career in teaching combined with graduate study that may lead to a doctoral program. Students will choose one of three program specializations (divisions): Primary/Junior, Junior/Intermediate or Intermediate/Senior. | MASTER OF ARTS IN CHILD STUDY AND EDUCATION: This program combines a Master of Arts degree with elementary teacher certification. It is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in evidence-informed teaching of children from JK to Grade 6 and graduate training that may lead to a doctoral degree. Options within the program allow students to focus on areas such as special education or early year education. Our well-prepared graduates have benefitted from two years of practical experience in classrooms, including a placement in our exemplary onsite Laboratory School.
Student Housing Service is your resource for on- and off-campus housing at the University of Toronto. They can offer you the information, resources, and personal assistance you need to meet your housing goals. Visit their office to work with a member of the team one-on-one or check their online resources.
Student Housing Service website: http://www.housing.utoronto.ca
Finding and maintaining suitable housing is key to your personal and academic success. Drop by for a visit! Housing Services offers the information, resources and support you need to meet your housing goals. GENERAL INQUIRIES Tel: 416-978-8045 Fax: 416-978-1616 [email protected]
As a student at OISE, you will access to: one of the largest library collections related to teaching and education in North America; an array of support services with our OISE Student Services to help you succeed; a wide range of IT resources to help you prepare for the classrooms of the 21st century and, all of the services and resources of the University of Toronto including Hart House and amazing athletics facilities.
The mandate of OISE Student Services is to assist and enhance the intellectual, personal, professional, and career development of students as they engage in academic and professional learning at OISE. Visit their website to learn more: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ss. Our students can also tap into the rich array of resources offered through the University of Toronto's Student Life Programs and Services; learn more at: http://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca/
U of T has the largest intramural sports program in Canada. This year an expected 10,000 students will compete in 76 divisions and 21 sports. Athletes at varying levels of ability play on teams tiered for fairness and gamesmanship. Across all three campuses, men and women play the classic intramural sports such as soccer, hockey and basketball, as well as modern sport leagues for ultimate frisbee and water polo. In addition, U of T varsity teams have won every major Canadian university sporting championship over the past century. U of T has 44 men’s and women’s teams, showcasing over 900 student athletes who represent U of T locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. Read more about U of T Athletics and Recreation at: http://discover.utoronto.ca/student-life/athletics-recreation
OISE and the University of Toronto offers a wide range of student services and facilities. To learn more visit: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ro/Services_for_Students/index.html
OISE Graduate Students' Association is OISE's official graduate student government and is affiliated with the Graduate Students' Union. It is an advocacy group which lobbies on behalf of students in social, cultural, and political events of interest to students. More student clubs and services is available at: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ro/Services_for_Students/index.html
The OISE Education Commons provides the services traditionally associated with libraries, distance learning, computing, and media centres to meet the information and technology needs of the OISE community. The EC seeks to provide "one-stop-shopping" for knowledge services. It supports and promotes the use of technology, including computers and multimedia, in all aspects of OISE activity. Learn more at: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ec/Home/index.html
OISE Student Services works in close alliance with the University's Accessibility Services Office and facilitates the implementation of recommendations authorized by that office for various accommodations for students with a disability. Learn more at: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ss/Accessibility_Disability_Services/index.html