4 Program Options for a Career in Counselling

By Wilfrid Laurier University Modified on January 13, 2025
Tags : Careers | Community | Health and Wellness

Start with Psychology but be sure to consider other programs.

 Program Options for a Career in Counselling

For a career in counselling or advising, getting a degree in Psychology is always a good place to start. But there are other undergraduate programs that could also help you reach your career goals, as well as graduate programs that can help expand your learning and career options.

1. Psychology

At Laurier, you can study in Psychology at all three of our campuses and choose a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science. You can also choose a program stream at the end of your second year and focus on community psychology, developmental psychology, or a research specialization.

Continue your education: Once you have your undergraduate degree in Psychology, you can consider graduate studies at Laurier in Social Justice & Community Engagement or Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy.

2. Criminology

Studying in Criminology may not be the first program you think of for a career in counselling. Your Criminology degree from Laurier can lead to a career as an addictions counsellor, a child protection worker, or even working policy analysis and advising.

Continue your education: Complete a Master of Arts in Criminology at Laurier to further your education and career prospects.

3. Health Studies

Laurier’s Health Studies program focuses on the physical and social determinants of health, leading to careers in counselling, therapy, and education. The program can also be combined with another program, like Psychology, to further add to your learning.

Continue your education: Completing a Master’s degree in Health Sciences will prepare you for a variety of health-related careers.

4. Music Therapy

Laurier’s Music Therapy program is the only undergraduate degree in music therapy offered in Ontario. Your Music Therapy degree can lead to careers in mental health and addiction facilities, hospitals and hospices, rehabilitation facilities and many more.

Continue your education: Laurier’s Master of Music Therapy is the longest-running graduate music therapy in Canada. Many students from the Music Therapy program continue their education with this master’s program.

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