Surviving the Holidays Away from Home

By TalentEgg Student and New Grad Careers Modified on December 25, 2023
Tags : Community | Relationships

How to get through the holiday season when you can't be close to the ones you love.

Surviving the Holidays Away from Home

This article was originally written for by Jennifer McKay

Is this your first year spending the holidays away from home? Or maybe this is your second or third year away, and you want to make it easier on yourself this time around.

We know how difficult it is to be away from your friends, family and all of your regular holiday traditions. To put it lightly, it can be a big adjustment!

To help you out, we've got some tips to help turn a non-ideal situation into a great holiday.

Make plans

It can be tempting to fall into a daily rhythm, especially if you're on a break from school and work. You might find yourself waking up and checking your phone when suddenly, the day has gone by, and you haven't done anything.

We've all been there.

However, being away from home doesn't mean you need to spend the holidays alone! As hard as it can be, make an effort to reach out to your friends and family. Especially if you know they're spending the holidays alone, too!

You might be surprised to learn who doesn't have any plans yet. So, see who wants to call and catch up.

  • Have a virtual coffee date
  • Video call and try out some activities such as baking or cooking together
  • Try a new online game with friends
  • Have a "productivity date" where you call your classmates or co-workers and study or work together
  • Watch a movie or TV show online together

If it seems like everyone you know is unavailable, you might want to find other ways to keep yourself busy. Picking up extra hours at work might be a good solution; it'll distract you from your circumstances, and you usually get double the pay for working a holiday.

It can be a good backup plan if your other plans fall through. If you're curious about it, ask your boss for more details!

Surprise yourself

Unfortunately, you can only spend so much of your time with work and other people. But, what about the time that you're spending by yourself? How do you keep yourself entertained?

Here's a fun idea: try to do something you've never done before. If it's something you've thought about trying but never dared to do, that's even better!

Maybe you want to order takeout from a new restaurant. Or, perhaps you want to learn how to knit or draw. It can be anything!

Use your time away from home to delve into new passions you haven't been able to explore before.

Finding new hobbies won't just help you pass the time; it'll also help you understand yourself better to enjoy your own company without feeling lonely.

Adapt your holiday traditions

Part of what makes holidays away from home feel strange is not having all the usual traditions. You might always put up the tree with your brother or bake cookies with your grandma.

Well, there might be a way to adapt those traditions to how you're living right now!

Sometimes, you can have the same tradition virtually. You can pick up your own little tree and call your brother while you decorate it. You can video call with your grandma and bake together.

Even if that doesn't work, you can still find ways to enjoy the holidays as much as you used to.

For example, you might not be able to afford to have an extravagant dinner like you would have had back home. That's okay! Don't dwell on what you can't have this year. Instead, think about what you can have.

Is your favourite part of the holiday dinner the dessert? Then buy or make yourself a little version of that! Try making your mom's recipe, or buy a ready-made version and enjoy not spending all day in the kitchen.

Alternatively, what did you dislike about the holidays back home? How can you revamp those traditions to suit you better? Maybe being in a full house stressed you out, or you secretly dislike your aunt's stuffing recipe.

You'll probably gladly go through those aspects of the holiday next year — but consider this your chance to make the holiday entirely your own. You might find yourself some new ways to celebrate.

Be prepared to be a little sad

Even if you do everything right, the holiday blues can still sneak up on you.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and emotional, that's normal. Just prepare for these feelings ahead of time by picking up some of your favourite snacks and planning a self-caring activity for yourself, like watching an old favourite movie or calling your parents.

Being ready for these feelings makes them much easier to handle!

Additionally, stock up on your favourite holiday treats and decide on a comforting activity to help you feel better. It might be a movie you want to watch, a game you want to play, or a family member you want to call.

Having a plan will make it so much easier to cope if negative feelings show up. You won't have to deal with getting to the store or even choosing a movie. You can curl up in your pyjamas and relax until it passes.

So, those are our tips to help you have a great holiday, all on your own. Use these tips to get through the bad times and thrive. Remember, this is your chance to spend the holidays on your terms! Let that motivate and excite you on your holiday away from home.

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