Blended Learning: How to Start at Home and Finish in Canada (A Student’s Story)

By Huron University College Modified on May 24, 2024
Tags : Academics | Campus Life | Community | Student POV

Meet Aaryan Lakhan Paul, a recent grad from a leading Canadian university who discovered the benefits from learning both online and in the classroom.

 Blended Learning: How to Start at Home & Finish in Canada (A Student’s Story)

When Aaryan Lankin Paul logged online to his first university class and saw a cohort of students from all over the world joining him he knew he made the right choice.

It was September 2020, just after news and impacts of the pandemic had spread globally. Aaryan had begun his studies in Economics at Huron University in Canada, an affiliate of Western University, leveraging a new academic model for international students offering greater accessibility and opportunity for flexibility in the transition to learning in a new country.

"Despite being in India and navigating a different time zone, I was incredibly impressed by how accommodating and understanding my professors at Huron were. They offered alternative assessments, ensuring that international students like me could feel engaged and perform at our best."

A place for blended learning

Students from many different backgrounds will face barriers to higher education, and for Aaryan there were multiple factors that would have made it easy, and understandable, for a less determined student to hit pause on their dreams. In the face of travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, financial barriers, and concerns around adapting to life in a new country, Aaryan committed himself to achieving his goal of studying in Canada and found success through Huron University’s blended learning degree program.

By starting his Bachelor of Arts degree online, Aaryan was able to save money on living expenses in his first year while studying from his home in Delhi, India. He also secured an international entry scholarship valued at over $50,000 from Huron University, further enabling him to embark on his dreams of studying in Canada.

Connecting online and accessing support

Despite beginning his degree over 11,700 kilometers away from Huron’s campus, Aaryan stayed positive and was able to create close connections with his professors and peers. Huron’s unique culture of care enabled him to build strong friendships and find ways to stay involved as he completed his first year of studies online.

"The online classes at Huron were remarkably engaging, fostering not only learning about course content but also enabling interactions with peers. These early friendships and bonds formed online proved invaluable when we eventually met in person at the start of our second year."

Transitioning to life on campus

Once Aaryan arrived on Huron’s campus in London, Ontario, Canada, he began getting even more involved in the community. In addition to his studies. Aaryan was able to spend the summer of 2021 volunteering for the City of London and the Forest City Film Festival, as a member of the Planning Committee for Newcomer Day and as part of the Selections Committee for the Youth Film Festival.

Through both volunteer opportunities, Aaryan was able to further develop his analytical and data management skills, as well as his writing and communication abilities in a professional setting. Whether it was working with other volunteers or strategizing and communicating with professionals from various industries, Aaryan says “the skills that I’ve learned, the exposure and experience that I’ve gotten, and the connections that I’ve made were invaluable, reinforcing the reciprocal relationship of giving and learning that exists between students and organizations when engaging in volunteer activities.”

In addition to his in-class studies during his third year, he was also selected to present at a TedX event using the platform to share his views on fostering a sense of belonging for international students and engaged with the audience by sharing his story of coming to Canada.

By being able to build his community online before he even came to campus, Aaryan gained the connections and confidence to immerse himself in all the in-person opportunities Huron, and the wider community, have to offer. He immediately felt at home on campus.

This spring Aaryan will be graduating and beginning a new job working at one of Canada’s largest financial institutions. He looks back on his international experience at Huron University with some words of wisdom for other students: "Embracing online learning during my first year at Huron was pivotal in propelling me towards degree completion. It provided me with the freedom to select courses aligned with my interests, facilitated personalized access to Huron's esteemed faculty, and allowed for a gradual transition into university life."

Want to learn more about Aaryan? Watch the video below:

Learn more about Huron University’s blended learning programs

Huron at Western University offers blended learning opportunities designed for international students who would benefit from taking their first year of their top 1% globally ranked (QS2024) undergraduate degree online. Upon completion of the 1st year of study online students will then join their cohort on campus for their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of study and meet the in-person requirements for Canada’s Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP).

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