Posts by StudyinCanada Team

All About: Reasons to Study in Canada in 2024 and Beyond
Canada's one of the world's leaders in international education. Find out why!
Coming to Canada as an Indian Student: Yes, Canada
Canada's at diplomatic odds with India right now. Is Canada still a safe place for Indian students to study?
How to Find Student Housing in Canada
Canada's housing market is rough, so finding a place to live as an international student isn't easy. Here's how you can find a room to rent.
Canada Puts a Pause on Deportations Over Acceptance Letter Scam
Some international students were given fraudulent acceptance letters by education agents. Now Canada's pausing the deportation of these students.
Why You Should Choose Canada as an International Student
Some of the world's best universities (and the world's best people!) call Canada home. You could too!
MPOWER Student Loans for International Graduate Students
Pursuing your master's or PhD in Canada or the USA? MPOWER Financing's loan tool can help.
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